China Energy Saving Lamps Manufacturers

Global smart lighting industry will usher in new development

Update:04 Aug 2016

Intelligent lighting Global smart lighting market Data […]

Intelligent lighting

Global smart lighting market
Data show that in 2013 the global smart lighting market size of about 5.757 billion US dollars, of which lighting and related accessories market size of about 1.287 billion US dollars; 2015 global smart lighting market reached 7.83 billion US dollars, the growth is very rapid. According to the current momentum of development is expected to reach 24.341 billion US dollars in 2020, of which lamps and related accessories market size of about 8.71 billion US dollars, accounting for more than 5%, annual compound growth rate of more than 20%.
2013 - Global Smart Lighting Market Size and Year-on-Year Change (Unit: $ 100 million,%)
From the competitive landscape, the global LED lighting market presents Japan, the United States and Germany as the industry leader, China Taiwan, South Korea followed, China, Malaysia and other countries and regions actively follow the distribution of the echelon. Future intelligent lighting market distribution, there is likely to maintain the current pattern.


Development Trend of Global Intelligent Lighting

According to the analysis, the future of the global smart lighting industry will show the following four development trends.
First of all, brand integration will be a major development trend of intelligent lighting. Will be different brands of products to a platform on the biggest benefits, that is, the best products of the brand can be concentrated in a project to improve the home of the intelligent. In fact, a wide range of lighting products on the market, if all the equipment is required to the same manufacturer's products, or a system can only use the same manufacturers of all products supporting, is also unrealistic. Moreover, the customer in the performance and price is also a lack of autonomy - either overall acceptance, or can only give up all. Unified control platform can be a good balance between the interests of all parties, customers can choose any product, as long as it is also in line with the requirements of the performance, so that customers in the budget will have a lot of initiative.
Second, the future of intelligent lighting from the development of pure intelligent function to pay more attention to human behavior, intelligent lighting. Based on the study of human behavior, visual function and visual physiological psychology, the development of more intelligent, intelligent and intelligent lighting products with scientific content, people - oriented, efficient, comfortable and healthy will be the future development of lighting products.

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